Welcome to Sandy Ridge
Visitors Are Always Welcome
Services Begin Sunday Morning at 9:30 AM
Sermon Series
Storytelling by Leroy Hershberger
Anabaptism as a Worldview by Steve Brubaker
Christ's Cross-Cultural Commands by Collier Berkshire
Search for older messages on the Archives Page.
When and Where
Sunday Morning: 9:30 AM
Wednesday Evening: 7:00 PM
3085 7th Rd
Bremen, IN 46506
The purpose of the Sandy Ridge Mennonite Church website is offer a simple and effective way to watch the services live and listen sermons and events at Sandy Ridge. Everyone is welcome to listen to the sermons or to attend the services. The Sunday Morning Bulletin has details for the Sunday Morning Service. Our location is between Bourbon and Bremen on 7th Road.
We believe the Bible to be the Word of God and take it literally. Our heritage is from the European Anabaptists. Please listen to some of the podcast episodes to get an idea of our beliefs.
Visitors are always welcome.
2016 VBS